
Benefits Of Using TLCdebthelp

  • Stop collection calls
  • Legal action from creditors and revenue Canada
  • Stop wage garnishment
  • Protecting your assets – home, car, rrsp’s, pensions
  • Stop high interest rate on credit cards
  • Interest free affordable monthly payments
  • Save on interest payments


Step 1: Speak with an expert

Your New Beginning starts with a free, confidential, no-obligation consultation with one of our Senior Financial Analysts. They will review your finances with you and help you establish clear financial goals and a plan to help you meet those goals.


Step 2: Create a personalized New Beginnings program

Every financial situation is different, so every financial plan should be different too! Your Senior Financial Analyst will create a personalized New Beginnings program just for you. It may include several different programs in order to address all of your financial goals. Check out all the programs below.


Step 3: Enjoy a fresh start

Upon completion of your personalized New Beginnings program, you should have eliminated your debts, improved your credit score and gained financial literacy. All of these steps will help to ensure your future financial well being. As part of your New Beginnings Program, we can also connect you with any finance professionals and resources needed to ensure your ongoing success.


Programs We Offer

Debt Elimination or Reduction Strategies: We will assess your unique situation and provide you with all your options and information on how to eliminate or reduce your debts and rebuild your credit. As part of this consultation, your Strategist will outline the benefits and the impact to your credit profile, as well as life after completion of your plan and the credit rebuilding process.

Express Credit Rebuilder Program: Working with a personal credit coach, this program focuses on improving credit scores so you can establish and maintain strong credit ratings suitable to all major lending institutions.

Auto Financing Program: Good credit, bad credit, no matter your credit situation, this program helps you obtain a vehicle at the lowest interest rate possible. This program will also report to your credit bureau as an active trade line helping you increase your credit ratings.

Mortgage Program:
Having difficulty in arranging a new mortgage or refinance due to credit issues?  Our program offers access to a nationwide network of mortgage professionals that will assist in exploring your lending needs fairly and unbiased.

Estate planning and Investments: Regaining and increasing net worth through secure, safe high yield investments and planning. No loss resolution guaranteed investments, which are structured to give you up to 12 percent return per annum. Coming soon – Spring 2015!


Benefits Of Seeing A TLCtdebthelp Analyst

As part of this consultation, your Analyst will outline the benefits and the impacts to your credit profile for each strategy and plan, as well as life after completion of your plan and the credit rebuilding process.

Your Fee Consultation can provide you advice, information and assistance to:

  • Stop collection activity from collection agencies
  • Stop collection action from Canada Revenue Agency
  • Settle or Reduce Student Loan debt
  • Stop wage garnishments
  • Stop the high interest on your Credit Cards
  • Protect your home, vehicle, RRSP’s and other assets
  • Interest Free Affordable Monthly payments
  • Save thousands of dollars in interest charges
Financial Literacy Seminars. TLCdebthelp is dedicated to protecting, assisting and educating Canadians in all aspects of financial literacy. Our mission is to ensure that Canadians are making educated decisions when it comes to the mandatory life skills of debt, credit, credit scoring and budgeting.The Financial Literacy Seminar will cover:

  • Financial planning and budgeting
  • Managing your cost of living
  • Being a smarter consumer
  • Psychology of Needs vs Wants
  • Credit & Debt Management
  • Credit Scoring & Credit Bureaus
  • Protecting Yourself against identity theft



*Disclaimer we are not a Bankruptcy Trustee, or Non-Profit Credit Counseling Agency, nor do we make any claims to be. We do not take, accept or collect monthly payments in order to settle your debts with your Creditors. We are Advocates for the Consumer providing professional advice, information, solutions and programs for the benefit of the Consumer.*

Get In Touch

To see how we can help improve your financial future.Contact Us Today!

TLC Credit and Debt Counseling

Our marketing strategy is not only about doing things better, it is about doing things differently.

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TLC Credit and Debt Counseling


105 Consumers Drive

Whitby, Ontario

L1N 1C4

TLC Credit and Debt Counseling is committed to respecting the privacy of individuals and recognizes a need for the appropriate management and protection of any personal information that you agree to provide to us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request.

We are not a Bankruptcy Trustee, or Not-for-Profit Credit Counseling Agency, nor do we make any claims to be. We do not take, accept or collect monthly payments in order to settle your debts with your Creditors. We are advocates for the Consumer providing professional advice, information, solutions and programs for the benefit of the Consumer. 

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