Credit Rebuilding

 The unique “New Beginnings Express Credit Builder” program will assist you in improving your credit score and profile while simultaneously educating you on crucial aspects of financial literacy. 

Program Highlights

  • 1 hour introductory session
  • 4 (30 minute) personal credit coaching sessions
  • Premium Online Credit Education program consisting of 4 modules and a Graduation Certificate
  • An improved Credit Score (subject to the client adhering strictly to the program. Neither us nor anyone else, including the client, has complete direct control over the client's credit score. The magnitude of improvement of an individual's credit score is determined by the client's financial behavior, the lenders' reporting policies, the credit reporting agency's algorithms and several other factors ).
  • Deluxe Credit Education Package
  • Budget set up & Premium Budgeting Software
  • 2 Credit bureau reviews and recommendations
  • Credit approval with 3 major creditors reporting on Equifax and/or Trans Union
  • Access to the lowest interest rates for vehicle financing regardless of your credit score
  • Access to mortgage resources & assistance with mortgage financing

Get In Touch

To see how we can help improve your financial future.Contact Us Today!