Breakthrough Sessions

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Personal Breakthrough:

What would it be worth to you to be able to free yourself completely of all the “blockages” that have been holding you back in areas of your life that are most important to you?

The NLP personal breakthrough is customized and is a unique process that assists the client in making positive changes in their lives, by identifying and removing those blockages, neurologically installing healthy and positive new strategies, releasing those negative emotions and limiting beliefs, and identifying the blockages standing in your way of having the desired life you want NOW!

Sessions are to be conducted over 2 days uninterrupted

We at TLC customize your Personal Breakthrough which involves:

  • - A coaching relationship between Coach and Client
  • - Extensive approached to the presenting issue, to get rid of the blockages
  • - Techniques used in NLP, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnotherapy
  • - Task oriented process to keep the client engaged throughout their transformation process, for optimal growth and change
  • - Complimentary 20 Min phone consultation to determine if the personal breakthrough is appropriate
  • - 3 - 4 hour intake session
  • - 3-4 hours required 2nd day for the Breakthrough from your intake session your Blueprint will be built , also the 10 hours of the practitioners time for assessment, task review, coaching , email and phone contact

In becoming the ‘real you’ and fulfilling your potential, you can achieve true happiness.

Wouldn't that be the best investment you've ever made?

“I am not what happened to me. I am who I choose to become” –Carl Jung

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