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Oil & You: Is the Price of Oil Affecting Your Financial Future?
The Problem The price of crude has fallen to $47.93 a barrel in recent weeks; the last time sub-$50 oil was witnessed was mid-2009, a time infamous for wide-spread economic turmoil around the globe. Today, it’s not uncommon to see gas prices at the pump hover around $1.00 or less a litre as you’re headed ... Read more
Shedding Light: The Truth About Your Credit Score
The Credit Score In the late 1980’s, the FICO Score (you can accredit it for the analytics company of the same name) was designed to calculate how trustworthy a borrower was, keeping financial institutions in the know. Today, companies like Equifax  and Transunion help sort through massive piles of payment information and generate reports that ... Read more
9 Apps to Help You Take Control of Your Financials (Part 1)
The personal finance landscape can be treacherous, but you don’t have to go it alone. A wide selection of resources are available to help keep you organized so you can avoid those pitfalls that might leave you scrambling to pay your bills, mortgages and loans on time. Because your smartphone and computer travel with you ... Read more
9 Apps to Help You Take Control of Your Financials (Part 2)
This post is a continuation of our previous post on some great financial apps that will save you time, keep you on schedule and help you keep track of your money and financials. SavedPlus One of the most important lessons parents instill in their children continues to be to save for the future. It can ... Read more